The truth, MY truth. One way to say it. - PABLO GÓMEZ

The truth, MY truth. One way to say it.
The exhibition is the materialized opportunity to show how I have lived these two exciting years, with two facets: artist and gallery owner, gallery owner and artist, in Simancas.
All the emotions experienced and felt from passion, love of art and dedication to this project, I cannot explain to you better than with my works.
The exhibition is the diary of a path, of a path in that duality that is new to me and that I have had to learn and continue to do, always a learner.
It is through the observation of an environment, Simancas, where the attraction to the place occurs and the challenge of changing it, of “building” a gallery of contemporary abstract art in a rural environment.
Every change entails a process of learning and mutual adaptation of the environment towards the gallery and the gallery towards the environment. The change it has to bring about is that the space attracts us, leaves us indifferent or repulses us.
For change to occur, the observer must become aware through the works and want to make the works part of his life.
Reality is often a mirage of what we desire, transforming a piece of metal into a warm and embraced feeling.
We rely on books that gather knowledge, we make our thoughts, we like them and use them in our daily path.
Nothing is absolute, the fragility, the ephemerality of the moment is always present, like a gust of wind that moves us like a reed and makes us tremble.
A path full of appearances, full of realities, deceptions, falsehoods, false promises, unfulfilled promises, silences, waiting, hopes and then, after.
A weather vane the wind, you and I, searching for the north, the south, the east and the west, each one’s own. Image of a changing reality, of uncontrollable and often incomprehensible forces, that force that comes from within to continue, to continue telling us the story of the milkmaid and continue and continue and continue and continue.
It doesn’t matter if the door is closed, it doesn’t matter if they look at us through the peephole and don’t open it. Indifference does not matter, lies do not matter, contempt does not matter, not even interested use, only the truth matters, MY truth and the way of saying it with art, with MY art.
Keywords (Exhibition)
Moment, Change, Milkmaid’s Tale, Road, Books, Train Tracks, Mirage. A space that is passionate and indifferent, that rejects us, an encounter, the fragility of the moment (chair, table, deconstructed)
The philosophy of Don Quixote, The weather vane, the wind, you and I and the open and closed Now.
Final point, for the truth to exist, even if it is MY truth, lies have to exist.

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