Multidisciplinary artist, graduated in Fine Arts from the Complutense University of Madrid, Scholarship holder from the Faculty of Fine Arts of Toulouse, Audiovisual production and production studies at C.E.V. Madrid, Current Art Workshops, Manuel H. Mompó, Círculo de Bellas Artes de Madrid.
In 1979, he carried out his first works and exhibitions, highlighting his participation through a light and sound installation in the “Tren Teatro” in collaboration with Alberto Moral. In this same year he carried out the exhibition entitled “La Dehesa”, together with Enrique Andrés Ruiz.
Since 1987 he has taught as a teacher of artistic education in secondary education.
Since 1979 he has been carrying out his work in the field of plastic arts with numerous exhibitions of painting, sculpture in public spaces, Land Art, engravings, installations, assemblies, audiovisuals and other projects.
From 1992 to the year 2000 he focused on audiovisual production, creating the production company Fenicia, with which he developed a total of 197 productions including documentaries, video installations, etc., as well as various video art productions. At present, videographic creation is an important part of his multidisciplinary activity.
In his work there are influences from the Italian painter and sculptor, a theoretician of the futurist movement, Umberto Boccioni, who is very interested in the interaction of moving objects in relation to the surrounding space.
Carlos Sanz Aldea acknowledges that he came to painting through his passion for literature and, above all, cinema. “It is a fascinating but very complex world. I discovered that painting allowed me to create my own frames, to tell a story without the need for technology”, qualifies the creator, who felt “take off” with “magical realism”.
“Family Dollar” It is a representation, perhaps dreamlike, of the landscape on the periphery of inhabited spaces. The timeless staging of the environment and the future of its characters are the starting point to represent the meaning of an experience that has especially the trip, the local, popular and habitable as referents.
“Family Dollar” refers to one of the most popular supermarket chains in the U.S.A.

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