Sometimes in life, in our daily journey, what we call “chemistry” arises.
As an artist, chemistry arises when thought is linked with the heart and through the hands it is reflected in a work, in a creation.
Chemistry arises and once it has arisen, in an almost divine way, it makes elements, materials, shapes, textures and colors come together in feelings, in creation.
Chemistry only arises when you and I are put before the ego, it is those objects, those materials, those colors and those textures that take center stage and thus the work is created.
Chemistry as a divine act is above you, the self and the ego.
The chemistry arises or it does not arise, we can only be making a way for her to feel attracted to us.
The chemistry created between the elements and the artist as a divine act, must now make its reaction with the observer, captivate him, impregnate him, wrap him, suggest him, provoking, making him feel and taking the observer out of his space of indifference and provoking a continuous dialogue that will lead to the internalization of the work, of creation.
Now if the chemistry has emerged, it will be part of all the viewer’s senses, suggesting memories, experiences and unique sensations in each person as the center of that same creation.

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    BACKYARD ARTE S.L. es el Responsable del tratamiento de los datos personales del Usuario y le informa que estos datos serán tratados de conformidad con lo dispuesto en el Reglamento (UE) 2016/679 de 27 de abril de 2016 (GDPR), por lo que se le facilita la siguiente información del tratamiento:

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    Criterios de conservación de los datos: se conservarán mientras exista un interés mutuo para mantener el fin del tratamiento y cuando ya no sea necesario para tal fin, se suprimirán con medidas de seguridad adecuadas para garantizar la seudonimización de los datos o la destrucción total de los mismos.

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    Datos de contacto para ejercer sus derechos:
    Dirección postal: BACKYARD ARTE S.L.. Calle del Arrabal, 14 - 47130 Simancas (Valladolid) – España. Email: info@backyardartegallery.com