Natha Piña – Venezuelan Artist, resident in Madrid

“Fucking Pink”, a process with 80 words, 80 shades, 11 paintings 4 sculptures, with different techniques, different materials, my perception and feeling with that color, states of mind, where it does not seem repressed that it is free and not constrained. Exploring different forms, combinations, imbalances, where the protagonist is pink. (The Current Look) Natha Piña proposes a groundbreaking and vindictive exhibition in which 80 words are captured in a surprising way. Dare to discover them …

1. Flow 21. Manar 41. Merge 61. View
2. Circular 22. Traverse 42. Fill 62. Sublimate
3. Filter 23. Stop 43. Involve 63. Form
4. Debug 24. Delve deeper 44. Complete 64. Glow
5. Appear 25. Supply 45. Probing 65. Abyss
6. Loosen 26. Absorbed 46. Dilating 66. Compress
7. Sprout 27. Locate 47. Spread 67. Varied
8. Getting there 28. Thrive 48. Include 68. Cover
9. Hug 29. Apprehend 49. Delimit 69. Observe
10. Hurry 30. Fill 50. Cushion 70. Running
11. Arise 31. Ignite 51. Get Started 71. Recognize
12. Release 32. Expand 52. Temper 72. Aim
13. Inflate 33. Crossing 53. Reuse 73. Originate
14. Meet 34. Give 54. Compound 74. Engage
15. Accelerate 35. Interlacing 55. Redo 75. Compact
16. Define 36. Press 56. Slow down 76. Lining
17. Light 37. Bump 57. Recreate 77. Rise
18. Pin 38. Turn on 58. Prepare 78. Contemplate
19. Satiate yourself 39. Framing 59. Propalar 79. Abstract
20. Activate 40. Splash 60. Issue 80. Hoist