Respiro - Jorge Adrados

1969, Valladolid – Spain

Jorge Adrados poses his work from abstraction, with a personal technique, refined over time, where color is the main element.

Respiro is an immersion in the flow of color and water that will make you breathe your soul.

In the works of Jorge Adrados you can see delicate chromatic nuances obtained from insistent glazes and welcoming tones that result from illuminating and shading and that give the paintings a more atmospheric and vaporous aspect, making them a space not to see, but to feel.

The artist raises, always from a language of sensations, the importance of silence and inner calm to reach harmony. Submerged in a world full of noise, chaos and constant movement, they see a need for that time of calm and contemplation, of inner calm and encounter with oneself, of relaxation and serenity…

Faced with a society that seems to have its fate in the excess of images and words, Jorge Adrados immerses himself in the solitude that his studio offers him and positions himself before the paintings, baring his interior, letting the sensations flow that will make his hand tool or bridge between him and the canvas, between the artist and the iridescent world of colors that he uses in the elaboration of his works… encouraging the viewer to position himself in front of Life with a noble gaze and great sensitivity in order to be able to contemplate and breathe Beauty that is still given to us in this increasingly complex world.

Jorge Adrados has works in the Private Collection of HRH Don Felipe de Borbón, Junta de Castilla y León, Municipal Museum of Orense, Hon. Valladolid Provincial Council and various private collections in Spain, Portugal, Italy and the Dominican Republic.…

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